Client Comments

FCI Client Comments
What do forest owners enjoy most about working with FCI?
“Friendly professionalism.”
“You educated us, gave us confidence, helped us to be patient, and ultimately fulfilled our every expectation.”
“I have little to do.”
“…their honesty, helpfulness, good work, knowledge…”
Other comments from landowners:
“…just a quick note to thank you for your services this past year. Your expertise has made it possible for me to maintain an investment that is an important connection to my past. With the demands of my career, it would not otherwise be possible. I look forward to continuing to work with you.”
“Terry, we appreciate the great help you have provided to us in taking care of our boundary issues thus far.”
“I would like to extend my personal thanks to you and your fine team at FCI for the excellent job you are doing with our family property in Alabama. I really do appreciate the professional way that you do your job. It sure means a lot to me to work with people who are so reliable and seem to be so genuinely concerned with my interests.”
“From getting acquainted to concluding the final sale, you were consummate professionals every step of the way. With over 30 years of experience as a professional forester, Lisa not only showcased our land to potential buyers, but also arranged site prep, timber and property appraisals, negotiated with adjacent landowners and hunter lessees, and provided solid guidance in the end game sales details. When our fourth and final sale was concluded, all of our land had been sold at the forecast prices within the time frame. We could not be more pleased.”
“I just wanted to thank you for your help in selling my timber. Having you in my corner made the entire process much easier. I hope that I can use your service again.”
“My father was very happy with the contract and the pricing, and it made him realize how valuable your expertise is.”
“Bottom line is that I am a very happy client and Joseph is a great representative for FCI.”
“Terry, You don’t know how much we trust you and appreciate everything you do and have done for us!”
“Let’s hope the new trees will grow strong and tall! Thanks to you all.”
“Lisa, thanks for the effort and excellent job on looking after the property.”
“We are thrilled with what you have done with our timber. THANKS!”
“Thank you, Melisa. I think your company did a great job.”
“Melisa, thank you for all of your assistance in the Wxxxx v. Sxxxx case. Your hard work was decisive in resolving a very contentious issue. I greatly appreciate your willingness to adapt to the constraints of the case.”