FCI Services

Supervision of Silvicultural Services by Forestry Consultants, Inc.
Why Use a Consultant for Site Preparation and Tree Planting?
The value of using a forestry consultant when selling timber is widely known and commonly advised. Once your timber is cut, can a forester be useful in the site preparation and regeneration process? Yes!!
Forestry Consultants, Inc. (FCI) will provide four benefits to the landowner:
- Knowledge: FCI consulting foresters all have a B.S. degree or higher in Forestry, are Registered Foresters in Alabama, and must meet strict continuing education requirements yearly. This scientific, technical knowledge is used to provide you with up-to-date site preparation and planting prescriptions and recommendations.
- Experience: Beyond knowledge, our foresters have years of experience in managing site preparation and regeneration. This expertise tells us what really works, how to get an enforceable contract, and when to complain politely versus when to be more vehement with chemical salesmen, helicopter pilots, bulldozer operators, prescribed burners, nursery men, refrigerated truck drivers, and tree planters who may not speak fluent English.
- Value: Forestry Consultants, Inc. supervises hundreds of acres of site preparation and tree planting each year. Since we deal in large numbers of seedlings bought and acres worked on, vendors are often willing to give us discounted prices for trees, chemicals, and services. These savings are passed on to you.
- Time: an FCI specialist will spend time on your property as each activity occurs. We have found that even the best contractors work better when they know someone cares enough to watch their work. Do you have the time to be on your property each time you get the call that the sprayers, burners, planters, or other workers have arrived?
It helps to have someone working FOR YOU to make sure the job flows smoothly and gets done properly.
What Will FCI Do?
Forestry Consultants, Inc. can take charge of your site preparation and tree planting from beginning to end, or we can supervise and coordinate any portion of the work. Following is a typical schedule of work that Forestry Consultants, Inc. handles:
- Confer to discuss your goals and budget.
- Prepare prescriptions and estimates of cost and a work Proposal for your review and signature.
- Select & Order Seedlings, herbicides and other supplies.
- Contract with appropriate vendors.
- Flag fire lanes for Bulldozer to use; Inspect Bulldozer work after it is done.
- Manage and Inspect Site Preparation.
- Pickup and deliver seedlings to property.
- Manage and Inspect Tree Planting.
- Report final results to the landowner.
An FCI representative will typically be on site as each activity is carried out on your property. If inspections show that some part of the work is done incorrectly, FCI will work to assist you in solving the problem.
What Will These Services Cost and When is the Money Due?
Early in the year Forestry Consultants, Inc. will give you a written estimate of what each activity may cost, but exact fees will not be known until contracts are awarded (1-12 weeks before activity is carried out). An initial deposit may be required, with remaining fees for each activity payable after the services are completed.
Payment (20 – 100%) is sometimes required to secure high quality seedlings when ordered. The remaining cost will be paid after the trees are delivered in the winter.
There are many options when site preparing and planting trees. Some options cost more than others.
You Are Important!
FCI will make recommendations, but final choice of seedling, site preparation method, and vendor will be YOURS. If you have preferences or budget limits, let us know and we will work with them.
Contact us for more information on Tree Planting and Site Preparation