FCI Services

Timber Sale Management by Forestry Consultants, Inc
When Are Trees Ready to be Cut?
The trees on your forestland may have been there for years. How do you know when they are ready to be cut? Trees can be broadly divided into 3 stages:
- Pre-merchantable trees are too small to harvest and sell. These trees need to grow larger before they are sold. Planted pine becomes merchantable about age 12-16 years depending on your soil. Hardwoods and natural pines will take longer.
- Growing Stock trees are 5 or more inches in diameter and are over 25’ tall. These trees are big enough to harvest, but are still growing. Some may have to be thinned out periodically to provide room for the best trees to grow larger. These trees increase in size and value as they age.
- Old Growth trees have passed their peak period of growth and are ready to be harvested. If they are not cut, they will eventually die a natural death and fall to the forest floor. They also might grow too big to be used in modern mills!
Our property inspection or cruise will determine what type trees you have.
How Can Forestry Consultants, Inc. Help?
We can provide the scientific technical knowledge, expertise and Boots-on-the-ground time that it takes to get good prices for your trees and performance from the loggers on your property. The following services may be performed:
- Estimate volume and value of trees for sale (Cruise or Mark).
- Delineate timber sale boundaries and streamside zones.
- Prepare and distribute Timber Sale Bid Packages.
- Supervise lump sum (or Pay-As-Cut) sealed bid openings and evaluate bids OR negotiate sales price with desirable vendor.
- Provide information for Timber Sale Agreement/Contract and assist with Closing.
- Inspect the on-going Timber Harvest several times each week.
- Advise Landowners about harvesting progress and assist with correcting problems, if any.
Why Sell Timber?
- Forest Health: Trees must compete for water, food, and nutrients. Thinning and cutting trees allows them to grow better and captures the value of trees that will eventually die if not cut.
- Immediate financial gain: Having trees growing on your property is like having money in the bank. If you need money to pay for a particular project, cutting timber may provide the funds.
- Long term financial gain: Forestry can be a sound financial investment over the long term. Regularly cutting and re-planting a portion of your trees will create a smooth income flow for the investment.
- To clear land for pasture, crops, a house, a pond, food plots, etc.
- To benefit wildlife. Food for deer, turkey, and many birds is more abundant when sunlight reaches the forest floor. Thinning trees helps this.
- Before selling land you may want to sell some timber to capture its value. Those who pay a premium for land rarely will pay a premium for your timber. Prior to selling land it may be wise to heavily thin your trees.
Job Satisfaction
Forestry Consultants, Inc. will work with you, the landowner, to meet your goals. Whether you are thinning your planted pines for the first time, are harvesting mature sawtimber that has been on your property all your life, or are performing a routine cutting of growing stock, Forestry Consultants, Inc. can assist you with your project.
Timber Sale Management fees vary with the amount of time it will take to prepare and manage the sale. Fees are commonly calculated as a percentage of your gross timber sale receipts. Sometimes, additional expenses are added for customized projects. Fees can also be calculated on an hourly expense basis or by the total project.
After you decide to engage FCI to assist with your Timber Sale, we will inspect your property, consult with you about your goals, and submit a written Proposal that summarizes what the project involves and the fees that will be charged.
Contact FCI to find out more about Selling Your Timber.